The Adult Education Scholarship Fund is intended to help provide funds necessary for resettled adult neighbors to pursue their educational and professional goals. Adults who have experienced displacement and resettlement face additional barriers to pursuing their educational and professional goals. Some of these barriers might look like:

  • a neighbor wanting to attend university but first needing access to academic English resources and practice

  • a neighbor wanting to apply to university but first needing to complete a GED and/or pass an advanced English language proficiency test

  • a neighbor desiring meaningful, skilled employment but first needing the specific credentials required for those positions in the US

With the hope of our resettled neighbors thriving in our city, we aim to alleviate some of these barriers. This fund will provide financial support to adult neighbors in the resettled community as they take steps toward their long- term goals through intensive English programs, GED or TOEFL prep courses and testing, or trade schools. This fund directly covers the costs of such programs that can bridge neighbors toward their goals that utilize and expand the skills of our neighbors for individual and collective flourishing.

Partner with the Adult Education Scholarship Fund to support our new neighbors in their educational goals!

** Please select ‘Education Scholarship Fund’ from the drop-down menu on the donation link to direct funds to this program! **